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Poverty in the US

Based on the readings this week these are some reasons why I think moving out of poverty can be difficult. People from low-income backgrounds often end up in underfunded schools with lousy resources and teachers. That makes it hard to gain the skills needed for better jobs. Inequality is a big problem. The rich hoard the wealth and opportunities, leaving the rest of us struggling. It's like starting a race with a heavy weight tied to your leg. Having connections is crucial for success. But if you're poor, you probably don't have access to influential people who can help you out. It's like being stuck in a dead-end without a GPS. Discrimination based on race, gender, or class is still a thing. It makes it harder for motivated folks to get ahead, no matter how hard they work. Poverty means financial instability. It's hard to focus on education or career when you're worried about basic needs like food and shelter. From this weeks assignment living in poverty, it gave me a pretty good understanding that there are always things that could happen that you have no control over. And sometimes you just don’t have the money so you have to deal with it. But sometimes dealing with it makes things worse without money like trying to fix your sink but ended up breaking it.

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