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Writing Intensive

About the Course

I studied a wide range of criminological theories and their real-world applications in depth during the Criminological Intensive Writing course. How various theories, including biological, psychological, and sociological ones, explain criminal behavior from various perspectives was one of the most fascinating discoveries. Understanding these viewpoints explains the complex nature of criminal behavior and highlights how it is impacted by deeper societal elements in addition to personal decisions. The course taught me the value of critical thinking and analysis in comprehending criminal behavior and crime. I developed a more sophisticated grasp of the nuances surrounding crime by critically analyzing various theories and investigation, which will be extremely helpful in the future.

Skills Gained

I improved my research, analytical, and writing skills through this course. Through writing, I developed my ability to analyze academic articles critically, create complex information, and effectively express my ideas. I was able to research one of theories "General Strain Theory" and connect it to real world scenarios, like bullying for example. I have conducted my research (below) to show I am able to use the skills I gained in this course and apply it to something I am very passionate about. Both of these example essays demonstrate my skills I have learned in this course and applied it to my own research.

Examples of Work


When I came across contradicting research findings or theories that went against my preconceived beliefs about crime and criminal behavior, it was one of the more difficult moments of the course. I had to critically assess the data and take consideration of different points of view, which was intellectually challenging but ultimately enlightening. My experience conducting my own research for the course was a very instructive experience. It enabled me to make my own judgments by applying theoretical ideas to actual data. My understanding of criminology research methods was strengthened by the practical experience of planning a research study, gathering data, and analyzing the findings.

My Future

These are the kinds of skills I can use in graduate school or in my career. My ability to critically evaluate crime statistics and research findings, for example, will be useful if I decide to work in criminal justice or law enforcement. It will also enable me to create successful plans for intervention and prevention of crime. In addition, the research and writing abilities I developed will be crucial for carrying out independent research and creating academic papers if I decide to pursue higher education, such as a graduate degree in criminology or a similar discipline.

My advice to someone taking this course for the first time would be to keep an open mind and take the chance to learn about various theories of crime and criminal behavior. Never be scared to challenge beliefs and interact with the information in a critical manner. Additionally, make the most of any chances you have to conduct independent research or apply the theories you have learned in the course in real-world settings. These opportunities can help you develop your knowledge and abilities. Finally, don't be afraid to ask peers or instructors for advice if you run into difficulties along the road. Discussions and teamwork can be very helpful tools for your journey through school.

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