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Hello, my name is Natasha Badgeley. Born in Vermont and Raised in Texas. I did quite a few things throughout my grade school experience. I was in color guard and marching band. I ended up becoming Co-Captain of our school's color guard. I played a wide range of instruments, but my favorite was the bass clarinet. I went to ATSSB (Association of Texas Small School Bands) Area 2x in my career. This was a huge milestone for me. I took my music very seriously and I was very proud of myself that I was able to compete against students from different parts of Texas. I was an early graduate from Columbia High School; GPA of 3.64 and top 10% of my class. I just wanted to get a head start on my academic career. 



I met my amazing husband my freshman year of college. He has always been my cheerleader. Supporting me throughout my college experience. Moving all the time was hard since we are a military family, so I never wanted to get behind on my studies. Whether it was online school, or going in person. I was there!!! ODU has always been so amazing with their hybrid programs. It is why I never wanted to take a "break" from my learning. 


When I was a child, I was a victim to a violent crime. As a kid everything feels so overwhelming, and I felt so small and helpless in that moment. I didn't know what to do or who I could trust. The detectives on my case were amazing. They gave me a sense of safety and protection. However, I didn't see many female police detectives. I was so inspired by the cops in my hometown, to where I wanted to become a detective when I grow up. This is why I decided to major in Criminal Justice. I want to make sure when I receive my future cases, I will handle them as persistent and compassionate as the detectives did with mine. 

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